Monday 24 January 2011

Group Surgery 1*

The surgery was pretty darn helpful, most time was spent clarifying certain issues concerning the rationale / position statement and the subjects / themes sections of the SOI.

The problems I raised were mostly based around the subjects / themes, my main problem being that I didn't really have any specific themes or at least I couldn't think of any.
My most basic position statement then got picked apart, big problem being I used the phrase, 'Media Industry' which I know pretty much encompasses everything. Then within my more considered explanation of it I used the phrase, stylistic cultures. Which no one really understood, then it dawned on me that I had kind of made it up a bit, trying to put in words what I meant. After trying to explain my thoughts, these being that by stylistic cultures I meant areas of culture that hold a sense of style or image, kind of having a weight / responsibility to look good. What we kind of got it down to in the surgery was subculture and the relation between music, fashion & design and how the three can create certain identities that people belong to.
So from this came an overarching theme that I carry through all my briefs. The subject of identity considering fashion, music and design and the relationship of the 3 resulting in subcultures.
Subcultures itself becoming an overarching subject.

So what I was advised to do was to have this theme / subject as a means to create a research brief which would then create the starting point to my actual design led briefs.
Furthermore this being a good start for my design context side of things. Use it as a means to begin researching, documenting and evaluating for the context publication.

Relating it back to the 3 part title I posted on previously,

"A typographical investigation of subcultures with a focus on branding and identity."

The session was helpful and I think cleared things up a bit, I need to go away and rectify a number of things on my SOI, and start to actually put things in to place and start doing things like design and research to really put in place and fully understand it all.

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